Forme standard Forme rare Forme Cartouche Forme Loup Forme Cosmonaute Forme Homme
Auto Race IM-23= I-01 Cat and Fish = Cat Fishing I-04 Chef = Merry Cook IM-04 = I-02 Clown = Circus I-11 Wolf and Eggs = Nu Pogodi IM-02 = I-06 Explorers of Space IM-13 = I-09
Fishing Boat = Fisher I-15 Merry Frog I-07 Hour Hunting = Fowling IM-18 = I-08 Ice Hockey I-12 Juggler = Merry Footballer I-13
Night Thieves = Catch the Thief = Robbery I-14 Amusing Arithmetic MG-50 Mickey Mouse Ninja Samurai Octopus IM-03 Ski = Biathlon I-10
Naval Combat I-05 Space Battle = Asteroid attack Space Flight IM-50 Space Bridge MG-09 = I-03